Tuesday 25 May 2010

Wherefore art thou social media?

Social media.

Which department of your company does it fit in?

Some of you will be saying, 'Its I.T, its online, its about backlinks and SEO, so in the I.T. department! Get the people who really know the web well to deal with it'

Others will be thinking 'No, no, social media is about marketing! It has to go in the marketing department, we are using it to sell our products and service to our customers. Thats who should be in charge of it'.

Or there are those that say 'Social media is about PR. Its about staying on trend with the latest stories, creating a PR buzz around what you are doing, sending out mini press releases.'

Finally, some think 'Forget that! Social media needs to sit within customer services! Its all about engaging with our customers, identifying any problems and refining our service to provide them with a better brand experience'

So...who is right?

The answer: everyone.

Huh? Doesn't that make things tricky?

Maybe. But perhaps, by sharing best practice throughout the whole of your company, everyone becomes informed about the power of social media- from an SEO perspective, from a marketing and PR perspective, and from a customer engagement and retention perspective.

If you miss out one of these vital components then your social media success will suffer.

To really get the best out of using these, you need to be clued up in just how it affects every part of your business- from driving traffic to your site, to providing PR opportunities, to making great sales or for making customers for life.

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